Etigeox: Unleashed

Armageddon, Amalgation and Megidolaon.

Etigeox: Unleashed is a non-canonical tale of the Etigeox Universe set after a disastrous end to the Second Etigeox War (or World War Three). Nearing the Downfall, the Premier Overseer of the Etigeox Federation authorizes a devious plan to shift the tectonic plates in a last ditch attempt to destablize the world. The Ministry of Defence of the Federation launches several Etigeum ICBM strikes on the Eurasian Union and NATO, resulting in nuclear and Etigeum armageddon. The artificial lives loyal to humanity have turned their backs after being witness to mankind's pure madness. Ocean levels rise as climate change is definitely worsened. The ERF, nearing the end of the world decides that they might as well unleash an uncontrollable zombie bio-weapon upon the world.

In Northern Quebec, a small group of survivors issued from the fallen Etigeox Federation is trying to survive and go on a quest to destroy Lyseria, the Etigeox’s government mainframe AI who has taken over most EIBs in the world and sent them all to exterminate humanity. In the background, a scientist named Elise is brewing something terrible with technology left behind by a certain Henry Carthage.

Part 1

Yes it's a dead link. Will release officially one day.

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